Communication and Outreach Strategy – English
This Communication and Outreach Strategy outlines the channels and tools to communicate the CAMCA project to its external target audiences and coordinate internal communications. It outlines the communication objectives, relevant stakeholders, and activities and products. It is intended as a guiding document for all CAMCA partners and is designed to be flexible, allowing communications to evolve and build on the programme findings throughout its 4-year duration (2022- 2025).
The outreach activities aim to maximise the communication of the programme and its outcomes to the identified target user groups in languages and formats that successfully connect with the audiences. The programme will use the most suitable channels for communicating with identified stakeholders. This includes both traditional methods (such as print), as well as state-of-the-art and innovative communication tools and products. The visual profile and branding supports the programme’s visibility and facilitates different components of the programme to be easily recognized as part of the overall programme.