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CBD COP 16 Side Event Параллельное мероприятие 16-я КС КБР
Thursday, October 24, 2024 1010-1130 COT
A [...]

CAMCA – CMS COP 14 Side Event Flyer
Harmonising Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Climate-smart Conservation in Central Asia – a promotional flyer developed by GRID-Arendal for CMS COP14 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

CAMCA All Species Multi-Maps – English & Russian
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Tips on Talking with Journalists – English
This resource was compiled by members of the Energy & Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley, in collaboration with the Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. As the Copenhagen negotiations bring worldwide attention to climate change issues, we have drawn on the [...]

Communication and Outreach Strategy – English
This Communication and Outreach Strategy outlines the channels and tools to communicate the CAMCA project to its external target audiences and coordinate internal communications. It outlines the communication objectives, relevant stakeholders, and activities and products. It is intended [...]

ClimateCrowd: Tajikistan Summary Report – English
Climate Crowd is a bottom-up, community- driven initiative. Working with communities and local organizations in more than 30 countries, we collect data on climate impacts on communities, analyze the data, present the data back to the communities, and work with them to develop, fund, and [...]

ClimateCrowd: Kyrgyzstan Summary Report – English
Climate Crowd is a bottom-up, community-driven initiative that helps people adapt to climate change in harmony with nature. WWF works with communities and local organizations to collect data on how climate change is impacting lives and livelihoods, presents synthesized data back to the [...]

ClimateCrowd: Kazakhstan Summary Report – English
Climate Crowd is a bottom-up, community-driven initiative that helps people adapt to climate change in harmony with nature. WWF works with communities and local organizations to collect data on how climate change is impacting lives and livelihoods, presents synthesized data back to the [...]